MOT Your Mattress
This mattress MOT is designed to highlight the common problems, which individually don’t always add up to much. However, if you answer ‘yes’ to 5 or 6 of these simple tests, then it’s probably past the point of being able to be cleaned and time to start the search for a replacement mattress.
Ask Yourself These Questions
- Is your mattress over 7 years old?
- Do you ever wake up with neck or backache?
- Is the mattress cover marked or stained?
- When lying in bed, can you feel the springs or ridges beneath the surface?
- When moving in bed, do you hear creaks or odd noises?
- Do you or your partner roll towards the middle of your mattress?
- Is the bed / mattress too small to give you an undisturbed nights rest?
- Is the mattress feel inconsistent i.e. hard in some places and softer in others?
- Would you be happy for visitors to sleep on your mattress?
Remember you spend a third of your life asleep. A good quality mattress will help provide the foundations for better quality sleep and this helps support good physical and mental health. If you aren’t sure which mattress is best for you, simply check out our mattress buying guide for all the information you’ll ever need.
Request Your Free Brochure
To find out more about our collection of handmade mattresses, bedroom furniture and solid wooden beds, simply click on the image below to request your free brochure.