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The easiest way to demonstrate this is by comparing a few facts. If we look at almost any aspect of how we live today it will be improved by healthy sleep.

Research from suggests that:

• Almost 20% of accidents on major roads are sleep-related
• Sleep-related accidents are more likely than others to result in a fatality or serious injury
• Peak times for accidents are in the early hours and after lunch
• About 40% of sleep-related accidents involve commercial vehicles
• Men under 30 have the highest risk of falling asleep at the wheel

It really couldn’t be more plain. Drowsiness and sleep deprivation can slow your reaction time to that of someone driving while drunk. If you are tired when you drive your chances of causing an accident when you’ve not had enough sleep increase dramatically.

How tiredness affects driving

Everyone at sometime or another hasn’t enjoyed the best of nights and sets off on a long journey by car. The consequences of poor nights sleep can put you and others at risk. This is why it’s so important to have a quality bed and quality mattress that promotes a deep and restful sleep.

As we know Simon doesn’t put too much faith in a good quality nights rest, so as ever he’s a little bit late out of bed. He was late getting to sleep so he’s grumpy. Down stairs he’s not his usual self as he’s got a meeting playing on his mind. Breakfast consists of a late cup of coffee and some hastily exchanged words with Julie. By now Simon is around 15 – 20 minutes behind schedule.

A near miss due to tiredness

On the way to the meeting Simon is really starting to pay for the poor nights sleep his cheap mattress has gives him. He curbs his car and the swerve from this almost causes an accident. At no time did Simon put this down to the fact that he was in fact too tired to drive safely. Simon ar-rives just in time for the meeting (although he doesn’t know it yet he’s actually picked up a speed-ing ticket…£60 and 3 more points). By now he is quite agitated and not really in the best shape to deliver a decent presentation.

Lack of quality sleep makes you forget important things

As it goes he was in such a rush to leave home he forgot his important documents so the meeting was a bit of a mess and he didn’t manage to close the deal. Ahh! If only he’d bought a great quality mattress. Worse was to follow for Simon… Once home and with no commission he couldn’t sleep properly and sadly experienced another poor nights sleep on his worn out mattress. If only Simon could take his head out of the sand he’d realise he was in a vicious circle that was only going to be solved when he bought himself the right bed and mattress and enjoyed a full eight hours sleep.

Sleigh Bed Headboard in Solid Wood

Keep your wits about you with a good nights rest

Julie on the other hand really loves her bed and especially her top quality mattress. She sleeps like a baby for at least eight hours every night without fail. She knows it’s all down to her mattress. She knows that if she’s tired it will affect how well she drives her car.

Relaxed enjoyable driving

Julie also has an important presentation to do that day so she took the precaution of getting an early night and sleeping right through to the alarm. Up early and safely away on time Julie drives steadily all the way to her meeting and also having time to stop for breakfast. Julie was a good driver and she knew she was a better driver if she’d slept well the night before.

The extra commission will be useful

Julie arrives for the meeting in great shape and really impresses her client. She closes the deal there and then on the day. She promises to spend some of her commission on some new Egyptian cotton sheets that she’s recently had her eye on. They are quite expensive but Julie knows they will improve her enjoyment of sleeping soundly so they will be worth it.

Sleep well and drive well…thinks Julie

Julie knows her success is down to her planning and the quality of the mattress that helped her to get the eight hours a night she needs… Julie really loves her bed and pocket sprung mattress. Julie drove carefully, happily and safely all the way home. Once home she didn’t really watch too much telly as she couldn’t wait to climb into bed for another refreshing eight hours sleep.

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To find out more about Revival Beds collection of handcrafted mattresses and wooden beds – click on the image below to request your free brochure.

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