The easiest way to demonstrate this is by comparing a few facts. If we look at almost any aspect of how we live today, it will be improved by healthy sleep.
Why exercise does not work when you are tired
Julie would spend as much time sleeping in her bed as possible. There are two reasons for this. First, Julie’s wooden bed and top of the range pocket sprung mattress cost her a lot of money, so she likes to use her bed as often and for as long as possible. Secondly, Julie would have spent even more and bought an even better quality bed if she could have afforded to because she knows the advantages and benefits of a great nights sleep.
Simon on the other hand can afford a top of the range bed and mattress but doesn’t see the point. He thinks it’s a waste and would rather save his money for a rainy day as he calls it. Simon’s quality of sleep is rubbish compared to Julie’s. His old uncomfortable bed should have gone to the tip years ago but Simon soldiers on. He always has a stiff neck plus he’s started to wake up very early which is making him grumpy and groggy.
Getting the best for a gym workout
Simon and Julie are hard working people and both go to the local gym to try and keep in shape. A good nights rest is why Julie’s sessions at the gym are so much more beneficial than Simon’s
Fresh from a great nights rest
Julie arrives at the gym rested and relaxed, she has no tension in her muscles and no under lying aches and pins. She’s had great nights sleep on her pocket sprung mattress and she’s raring to train. A normal session for Julie is around forty five minutes. It’s nothing out of the ordinary and because Julie is generally in good condition she makes the most of her workout. Because Julie enjoys such a good nights sleep, almost every night her recovery from her gym sessions is always good.
Quality sleep rebuilds tired muscle quickly
Rest is critical to the recovery process because while you’re resting, your body is building muscle. This happens most efficiently during sleep, and without enough quality sleep, your body cannot fully recover from exercise.
Simon is all aches and pains…and it’s getting worse
Simon’s session at the gym are not so successful. This is for two reason which are both connected to his poor sleep pattern. Firstly Simon hasn’t fully recovered from his last session at the gym, his recovery is incomplete so he’s actually exercising again while his muscles are still tired. Secondly Simon’s poor quality bed makes him groggy in the morning and gives him neck ache. He’s not going to get full benefit from his session and he runs the risk of pulling a muscle or worse.
Enjoy your pocket sprung mattress
Julie enjoys better living through getting a good nights sleep on her quality pocket sprung mattress. She transfers this feel good factor to all the components of her life including her workouts at the gym and the ensuing rest.
Unfortunately Simon hasn’t been able to go to the gym for a couple of weeks because he’s pulled a muscle in his back. Maybe it’s time to look at the real causes of your back ache Simon…the solution is simple.
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To find out more about Revival Beds collection of luxury mattresses, bedding, wooden beds and bedroom furniture – click on the image below to request your free brochure.